“Ahha!” you say.

“What is this?”

Nothing but the dawn of a new era.

valentinesEvery year I make a desperate attempt to produce a Christmas card.  (As you can see, this year we were a little late.)  If you remember, below is Christmas card from 2013.  Both created by Boy’s talented and lovely sister.

metallicaI thought perhaps we should make a small effort to redeem ourselves.

Our parents thank us.

If anyone cares to chime in, I would love to know if this year’s picture succeeded in reminding you of anything?  Because it is supposed to.  I thought it was obvious.  My husband, on the other hand, wagered I was one of the few Americans who had made a point to mentally filed Queen Victoria’s family picture.  I still think the portrait verges on iconic.  Of course you recognize it.

winterhalterIf I ever get a bigger house the first thing I am going to do is print it on a huge piece of canvas and hang it in the middle of my living room.  Just like this.  What you can’t see in our photo is the fabulous detail when you zoom in.  I think I’d have to have a higher resolution file to show you very well.  But, up close, the texture is reminiscent of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.”  It’s going to look great when I print it to ten foot proportions.

In other news, I slapped the ol’ blog around a bit.  Things are going to change.  Number one, I have a new camera.  …Now that I think about it, that might be all that I have.  I certainly don’t have more time and I might not even know how operate the new camera.  It’s hot.  As for the new layout, I love that it has the same readability it had with the last layout.  It’s easy to cruise through posts without falling asleep scrolling.  An added bonus though is that it will support nice one sentence posts, sans pictures.  Making this my very own facebook.  Because, if you didn’t know, the real one is quite terrible.  The other noticeable difference is that my sidebar is no longer hidden on a different page.  Meaning I might feed it once in a while.  All in all, things should get more fun.  Thanks for sticking around.  *m

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