Soccer Party

Did you know Marc coached U6 girls soccer?  I find it kind of hilarious.  Anyways, we had the team over for an end of season BBQ.


Jael made 12 layer Jello.  Taste the rainbow.


It turns out, we kind of over booked the evening since Gideon had soccer practice, Jael had AHG, and Rahab had speedcubing.  Drop off and pick up, repeat.  Fortunately everything was close by.  And the weather was perfect.  It all worked out.


Uriah making new friends.  He stayed here for the whole party.


And, of course, at the end I whipped up some fry bread.  Because what better way to make everyone happy?  Too happy?


Maybe I gave them too much sugar.  Marc said it was kinda like being at soccer practice.

It takes a special person.


One thought on “Soccer Party

  1. I have blog comments stored up for thebucketwoman that I’ll unleash in a flood at some later date, but I have a single focus today. I just spent 10 minutes searching for your letter (that I will also respond to in a timely fashion…two months ago…using my time machine). I should invent a sort-through-clutter-to-find-old-letters machine while I’m at it, huh?

    Anyway, I’m making lunch and supper right now and wanted to listen to one of the sermons you shared in your letter. On the chance that you remember the two links you sent, can you let me know here or on shotsnaps? I await your immediate reply.


    Okay. I guess I’ll go make some food while I wait.

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